
France Opens to Vaccinated US & UK Travellers: France Traffic Light Travel System

France Opens to Vaccinated US & UK Travellers: France Traffic Light Travel System

France Travel: France Open For Vaccinated Travellers US And the UK From 9 June

France opens to Vaccinated US & UK Travellers from 9 June

France Traffic Light Travel System – France Outlines Who is Allowed to Travel

What you Need To Do For Travel to France – France opens to Vaccinated Travellers

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0:00 – France Opens to Vaccinated US & UK Travellers: France Traffic Light Travel System

01:37 – France open to Vaccinated US & UK Travellers from 9 June

After announcing restrictions for UKtravellers last week, the French government has decided to allow fully vaccinated visitors from Britain to enter the country and will also apply the same rule for US visitors.

Vaccinated people from green countries can visit France without condition, vaccinated people from amber countries can visit France but must present a negative covid test.

02:07 – French Traffic Light System

The French government has announced its traffic light-based travel rule system that is set to begin on 9 June.

All EU countries are listed as green, which means vaccinated people can visit without restrictions.

The UK and US are listed as amber where vaccinated people from both nations can enter France but must present a negative COVID test, while non-vaccinated people can only come if they have an essential reason.

People will be considered Fully vaccinated two weeks after they receive their second dose or four weeks for those vaccinated with Johnson & Johnson’s vaccine.

It has not yet been specified which vaccine types will be accepted, but it is thought it will be the four that are authorised for use in the EU.

03:17 – Countries per Traffic Light Category

The following rules apply to travellers entering France from 09 June

03:32 – France’s Green countries
All EU member states, South Korea, Israel, Australia, New Zealand, Japan, Singapore, Lebanon

03:57 – France’s Red countries
Argentina, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, India, Nepal, Pakistan, South Africa, Sri Lanka, Suriname, Turkey, and Uruguay

04:52 – France’s Amber countries
The majority of countries not listed in “Green” or “Red” list including the UK and the US.

Vaccinated travellers can enter France but must present proof of a negative Covid-19 test taken within 72 hours prior to entry to France.

Unvaccinated people can only enter with an essential reason.

What are your thoughts on France’s traffic light system? Do you support separating rules for the vaccinated and unvaccinated? Talk to us in the comment section below.

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✈ Read the full article at

France Travel: France Open for Vaccinated US and UK Travellers from 9 June


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