
EU Releases List Of Countries Allowed To Travel to Europe – USA, Russia and Brazil Left 0ut

EU Releases Draft List Of Countries Allowed To Travel to Europe: USA, Russia and Brazil Left Out

EU Releases List Of Countries Allowed To Enter Europe
Draft List of Countries Permitted to Enter EU When Borders Reopen on July 1st

The citizens of 54 world countries (out of 195 recognised countries in the world) will benefit from the reopening of the European Union external borders, which is expected to happen by the beginning of July.

EU officials have not agreed a common list of countries that would definitely be banned from entering Europe but managed to create a list of countries with a better epidemiological situation, of which citizens will be able to enter Europe by July.

It is also confirmed that citizens of the US, Brazil, Qatar and Russia will not be able to enter Europe until a later date when the epidemiological situation in these countries improves.

✈ In this video:
EU Releases List Of Countries Allowed To Enter Europe
Draft List of Countries Permitted to Enter EU When Borders Reopen on July 1st

It is also confirmed that citizens of the US, Brazil, Qatar and Russia will not be able to enter Europe until a later date when the epidemiological situation in these countries improves.

Nationals of the following countries are listed in this draft list:

– Albania
– Algeria
– Andorra
– Angola
– Australia
– Bahamas
– Bhutan
– Bosnia and Herzegovina
– Canada
– China
– Costa Rica
– Cuba
– Democratic People’s Republic of Korea
– Dominica
– Egypt
– Ethiopia
– Georgia
– Guyana
– India
– Indonesia
– Jamaica
– Japan
– Kazakhstan
– Kosovo
– Lebanon
– Mauritius
– Monaco
– Mongolia
– Montenegro
– Morocco
– Mozambique
– Myanmar
– Namibia
– New Zealand
– Nicaragua
– Palau
– Paraguay
– Rwanda
– Saint Lucia
– Serbia
– South Korea
– Tajikistan
– Thailand
– Tunisia
– Turkey
– Turkmenistan
– Uganda
– Ukraine
– Uruguay
– Uzbekistan
– Vatican City
– Venezuela
– Vietnam
– Zambia

“The European Union has an internal process to determine from which countries it would be safe to accept travellers,” EU Commission spokesman Eric Mamer has confirmed that its decisions are “based on health criteria.”

On June 11, the Commission recommended the reopening of internal Schengen borders for June 15, so that Europeans can travel within the borderless area freely, just as they did pre-pandemic.

The Commission then recommended that the Member States should start allowing third-country nationals, gradually and partially, to enter the EU from July 1, based on the epidemiological situation in each third-country.

The Commission has recommended the following objective criteria for the Member States, when drafting the list of countries, the citizens of which may visit the EU after July 1:

– epidemiological situation and coronavirus response in that country,

– the ability to apply containment measures during travel, and

– whether or not that country has lifted its travel restrictions towards the EU.

Based on these conditions, the Commission recommended that the nationals of the six Western Balkan countries should be the first to benefit from the abolishment of travel restrictions, all of which are in the list of countries allowed to enter Europe.

If you’re still unsure about your application, let us help you out!

✈ Read the full article at

The Schengen Zone finally opens borders after COVID-19

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