
Conditions for Third Country Nationals to Enter Europe is Laid out by the EU

Conditions For Third Country Nationals To Enter EU.
Conditions for Third Country Nationals to Enter Europe is Laid out by the EU.

The EU has Explained the Conditions Third-Countries Must Meet for Their Citizens to Be Able to Enter EU after July 1

The European Commission recommended to all member states to extend the entry ban on third-country nationals, which was set to expire on June 15 until June 30.

Asserting that the situation related to COVID-19 is still not in favour for reopening the borders to all third-country nationals the Commission has recommended starting permitting these travellers to enter the borderless territory partially and gradually, depending on several conditions, set together by the EU members.

✈ In this video:
Conditions for third country nationals to enter EU

The Commission has established a checklist, based on which it will estimate which countries have a better COVID-19 situation, and the nationals of which have lower chances of spreading the virus in the European Union states.

“The purpose of this checklist is to find common ground between the Member States, and therefore a common approach within the EU, with regard to the assessment [of] the situation in a third country and measures taken to limit the spread of the virus are sufficient yet in order to lift travel restriction on non-essential travel into the EU,” the Commission explains.

It also notes that the checklist should form the basement for a common assessment of the Member States for third countries, and the same can be used both for abolishing but also for reintroducing travel restrictions if levels of infections change.

There are a few sets of criteria based on which the EU will decide which countries can first join the list of those eligible to travel to the EU and the borderless Schengen Area.

The first is related to the epidemiological situation it that particular country, whether it can be considered as being in a similar or better position than the average in the EU with regard to the number and the trend in new infections.

In the assessment of each country’s situation, the following will be considered:

– Testing, surveillance, contact tracing,

– Containment, treatment and reporting

The second is related to the containment measures taken by that country, whether it ensures a similar or better level of containment measures as the EU from its transport and transport hubs operators.

The following elements should also be taken into consideration:

* Do airports comply with ICAO safety recommendations?

* Do airlines serving specific routes comply with ICAO recommendations?

* Are airports on the EASA list? * Is there negative travel advisory for this country in most of the Member States?

* Do airlines check, in relation to transit passengers, whether the country of departure is on the list of countries for which travel restrictions can be lifted?

The EU will also take into account to other factors:
* if the country agrees to the same or similar travel arrangements with the EU

* if the EU Member States and the Schengen States lifted their travel warnings for the country concerned.

If you’re still unsure about your application, let us help you out!

✈ Read the full article at

The Schengen Zone finally opens borders after COVID-19

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Check out our recent video on: “Applying for a British Passport After Indefinite Leave to Remain”


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