
Biden Cancels Trump US Immigration & Travel Policies

Biden Cancels Trump US Immigration & Travel Policies

Biden Cancels Trump Policies Rolling back US Immigration Policies

Biden Repeals Trump Policies Ending Discriminatory Bans on Entry to the US

Border Wall Scrapped Trump’s Flagship Policy is Finished

Muslim Ban Cancelled Those Affected to be looked at again

✈ In this video:
0:00 – Biden Cancels Trump US Immigration & Travel Policies

01:12 – Biden Repeals Trump Policies Muslim and African ban ends

On his first day in office, US President Joseph Biden sought to end a series of discriminatory travel bans set forth by the previous administration.

Almost four years ago, then-President Trump signed an Executive Order, widely known as The Muslim a Ban, to impose a ban on individuals from seven countries.

The executive order was basically to block entry for nationals from Iran, Libya, North Korea, Somalia, Syria, Venezuela, and Yemen as immigrants and nonimmigrants.

Although waivers for exemption were available, almost 75% of all waiver requests were reportedly denied.

Litigation around that Executive Order kept the Muslim Ban from going into effect until June 2018, when the U.S. Supreme Court upheld the ban in a 5-4 vote.

In 2020, the former US President also signed a sequel to the Muslim, widely known as African ban which affects the citizens of Eritrea, Myanmar, Nigeria and Kyrgyzstan as well as persons applying for the Diversity Visas from Tanzania and Sudan.

02:32 – Coronavirus Travel Bans

The Proclamation Ending Discriminatory Bans does not affect other travel restrictions related to COVID-19,

including the Presidential Proclamations blocking the entry for immigrants and certain nonimmigrants due to economic conditions brought on by COVID-19.

The Presidential Proclamations related to travel restrictions from
the UK, Schengen Area, Ireland,
China, Iran and Brazil due to the
on-going global pandemic will also remain in effect,

notwithstanding President Trump’s announcement that these would be withdrawn as of January 26, 2021.

Additionally, starting 26th January, South Africa will be included on the list of countries banned from travelling to the United States due to the new strain of COVID-19 found in the country.

03:25 – Denied Applications to Travel to the US

Under the new Proclamation Ending Discriminatory Bans, the US Department of State (DOS) will provide a proposal for how to reconsider applications denied based on now-suspended restrictions,

a plan on how to decide pending waiver requests, and recommendations on how to improve the vetting and screening process, including an assessment of the benefits of using social media identifiers in that process, among other things.

The Proclamation also directs embassies and consulates to resume visa processing and clear the backlog affected by the Muslim/African bans.

04:07 – US Border Wall

US President Biden also ordered to stop the controversial construction of the US-Mexico border wall.

The order includes an “immediate termination” of the national emergency declaration that allowed the previous administration to redirect billions of dollars to the wall.

Despite claims made by the former president that Mexico would “pay for the wall”, US taxpayers have borne the brunt of construction costs.

Approximately $15 billion has been spent on the construction.

What are your thoughts on this issue? Talk to us in the comment section below

If you need assistance with a visa to Europe, the UK or the US, including help with securing your travel arrangements, IaM can help.

For visa advice, contact your IAM visa coordinator.

If you’re still unsure about your application, let us help you out!

✈ Read the full article at


✈ Apply for your visa to the US at https://immigrationandmigration.com/global-mobility/us-visa-immigration/ to get your US Visa!


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