
10 Things To Do in Mauritius 2021 | Places to Visit in Mauritius

Welcome to our South African travel vlog! We’re Meg & AJ, a digital marketer and drum n bass DJ from in Cape Town, South Africa.

We love to travel (when work allows!) and sharing our adventures with others who love to explore the world.

If you have any questions about this video or South Africa in general, feel free to pop a question in a comment section below. Alternatively, check out our blog at: www.gotthepassports.com

📍 Boat Tour: https://youtu.be/k3swVpQUtE0
📍 Botanical Gardens & Chateau: https://youtu.be/Q6bq9mn5Ot8
📍 Swimming with Dolphins: https://youtu.be/SrGvreScZ6c

GTP Social Links:

Thank you so much for watching my video! Happy travels and, got the passports?

My Social Links:

⇢ TRAVEL BLOG : www.gotthepassports.com
⇢ INSTAGRAM : http://instagram.com/GotThePassports_
⇢ FACEBOOK : http://facebook.com/gotthepassports
⇢ TWITTER : http://twitter.com/GotThePassports

#TravelVlog #YouTubeZA #Mauritius

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